Books by David Pawson

Unlocking the Bible

Taking an overview of the unique story of God’s relationship with his people, Unlocking the Bible gives a real sense of the sweep of biblical history and its implications for our lives.

This book is a unique overview of both the Old and New Testaments, from the widely respected evangelical speaker and writer, David Pawson, Unlocking the Bible opens up the Word of God in a fresh and powerful way. Avoiding the small detail of verse-by-verse studies, it sets out the epic story of God and his people in Israel. The culture, historical background, and people are introduced, and the teaching applied to the modern world.

Watch David talking about the book here… and here again.

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The Seven Wonders of His Story

Click here to watch David talking about his book ‘The Seven Wonders of HIS Story’.

Taking the middle section of the Apostles’ Creed as the frame work, David explains the fundamental fact about Jesus on which the Christian faith is based in a fresh and stimulating way. Both old and new Christians will benefit from this ‘back to basics’ call and find themselves falling in love with their Lord all over again.

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By God, I Will

It must bewilder many Christians that teachers and preachers using the same Bible can come up with so many different interpretations and, more particularly, applications of God’s Word.

One of the main reasons for this confusion is their handling of the word ‘covenant’, which is so fundamental to scripture. The two key questions are: how many covenants has God made with human beings and how many of these apply to Christians today?

Some say there is only one (‘the covenant of grace’) running right through scripture, though they might add a second (‘a covenant of works’) which applied only to Adam in Eden. Most think there are two (the ‘old’ and the ‘new’) corresponding to the Old and the New ‘Testaments’ (a synonym for ‘covenant’). Others claim to have found seven (though they usually call them ‘dispensations’).

This author believes there are five which are basic to the story of our redemption – the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and Messianic.

Only one of these is ‘old’ and therefore obsolete; only one is ‘new’ but endorses the other three. With this insight we can ‘rightly divide the word of truth’ (2 Timothy 2:15; NIV has ‘correctly handle’).

See if you agree!

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Come With Me Through – The Gospel of JOHN

John is a remarkable Gospel, utterly different from the other three. It reflects the unique insights of the man who was closest to Jesus while he was on earth, and is full of concern that we should not just know about what Jesus did, but should also realize who he was. It reflects, too, John’s burden the believers in Jesus should not be sidetracked by erroneous teaching, whether concerning Jesus’ identity or the veracity of his claims. He wanted believers to be absolutely sure that eyewitnesses, Jesus’ own words and his astonishing works all point to one who was truly God come in the flesh, the living Word, the very glory of God among humanity. John’s collected evidence and proof all make the most compelling testimony to Jesus’ right to demand our ongoing trust and obedience.

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Come with me through Jude

The little letter of Jude has a sharp cutting edge, which exposes raw flesh. That indeed is the real problem: flesh in the church. This little letter will cut through that and expose it, and that is going to sting. But we are sensitive, and the real reason that we neglect a passage of scripture is that we do not like it….
The church can be destroyed from inside; it is not external dangers, it is internal dangers we need to be concerned about, and this is Jude’s concern….
Every Christian must live dangerously. This world is not a safe place for Christians. We are living in enemy-occupied territory, so it is the most dangerous thing to be part of the church.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Come with me through Galatians

The modern mood is that we do not want to argue about religion. We do not want to quarrel, but to be comfortable with each other. Galatians is not that kind of a letter. Paul argues with other Christians, not with unbelievers, and his message in the letter has in turn caused many arguments. Arguments can be good. If Luther had not been willing to get into an argument, the Reformation would not have occurred. When we come to Galatians, we are handling some of the biggest issues of all. There are fundamental issues without which you lose the Christian gospel, so, I am afraid, fighting is involved. Many of the biggest battles that Christians have to face are inside the church, not outside it. That is painful. Who likes a family that is arguing? Whenever the devil attacks the church from the outside, the church gets stronger and bigger. His attacks are much more successful when they come from the inside, and one of the quickest ways to do that is to pervert or corrupt or erode the gospel. If he can do that, he knows that he has destroyed the church from the inside.

Legalism and licence are still with us. But so is true liberty. We must stay and walk with others along the narrow path, the wind of the Spirit blowing in our faces and the blessing of God’s grace upon us. We are free not to sin and free to be bold, if we will only walk in the Spirit. Galatians is one of the most powerful letters you will ever read.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Remarriage is Adultery Unless…

Consecutive polygamy (as many husbands or wives as you like but only one at a time) is now an accepted norm in contemporary society. Hardly surprising, since the social, legal, moral and financial restraints holding marriages together for a lifetime have been steadily eroded in a relativist age where anything goes. What is surprising is that divorce and remarriage are becoming as common inside the church as outside, even among Christian leaders and especially in the Evangelical stream. Believers have been outspoken about such issues as abortion and homosexuality though their Lord Jesus said nothing about either. He did say quite a lot about the subject of this book but there is either a reluctance to take his teaching at face value or an eagerness to enlarge his ‘exception’ until it becomes the rule.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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When Jesus Returns

In these days of concern about the end times, what is really known about Christ’s second coming and how can we prepare for it? Christians everywhere await Christ’s return. Will He come to the whole world or just one place? Soon and suddenly or after clear signs? What can He achieve by coming back here and how long will it take? David Pawson brings clarity and insight to these and many other vital issues surrounding the bodily return of Jesus Christ to our world.

Based on a new approach to the interpretation of the book of Revelation, he discusses in detail the controversial and misunderstood subject of the rapture and uncovers the true significance of the Millennium.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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The Normal Christian Birth

This study by David Pawson is an initiation into the New Testament, which attempts to reveal a synthesis of the “liberal” emphasis on repentance, the “evangelical” emphasis on faith, the “sacramental” on baptism and the “pentecostal” on the Spirit. These “four spiritual doors” are then related to conversion and regeneration. The second section provides an exegetical study of two dozen crucial or controversial passages, questioning many traditional interpretations. The final section on pastoral application demonstrates the inadequacy of much modern evangelistic counseling.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Israel in the New Testament

Those who believe what the Bible teaches about God’s plans and purposes for the people and place of Israel are often accused of giving more time and attention to the Old Testament than the New, and there is some truth in this. Over 80% of the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament have been literally fulfilled. It is a simple matter of faith in God’s faithfulness to believe that he means what he says, and will do what he says he will do. This exciting new study reveals that both the people and the place called ‘Israel’ have a significant role in God’s future plans for world redemption.  This new edition includes “Israel in Galatians.” Now six books of the New Testament are used here to illustrate this important truth.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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The Road to Hell

Many preachers are reluctant to explain what the Bible teaches about hell. David Pawson sets out clearly the teaching of the New Testament on this vital topic. The book includes a section of Scripture studies which are useful for personal and group study and to equip preachers.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Come with me through Revelation

As a history book the Bible is unique, telling us about the future as well as the past. To be obsessed with either is to evade life’s challenges. David Pawson believes that both perspectives are needed to live “over the circumstances” of the present. The book of Revelation focuses on the future and can produce two reactions among Christians: some cannot get into it and others cannot get out of it! We need a more balanced view of its significance. After all, it’s the only book in the whole Bible to which God has attached a special blessing and an awful curse. It was written for ordinary people under extraordinary pressure. Suffering is the key to understanding this book of the Bible. It is a manual for martyrdom. As history draws to a close, all Christians need its message of warning and encouragement.

Watch David talking about the book here.

Will be relaunched soon as, ‘A Commentary on The Book of Revelation’

Word and Spirit Together

It is vital that Charismatic and Evangelical Christians should be united in witness and proclamation. This book helps us to see how this is possible, as the author goes behind and beyond the controversies and considers the content and application of Scripture. For all concerned for witness and unity amongst believers.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Practicing the Principles of Prayer

At one time or another we’ve all prayed for something. Did any of those prayers ever go unanswered? Have you ever wondered why? What are the seven things you must believe that get answers to prayer? Practicing the Principles of Prayer by David Pawson covers all seven and much more. Did you know that according to the Bible: You never pray alone; Prayer isn’t meditation, it’s conversation; Ninety-five percent of prayer is talking and asking; Prayer is out loud; Your eyes are open…

There are many books on the subject of prayer, but this one is different. It is a clear, practical, biblical guide to prayer.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Defending Christian Zionism

Zionism is a comparatively recent word, coined to describe the return of the Jews to the land of their ancestors and the re-establishment of the nation-state of Israel, with Jerusalem (Zion) as their capital.

A Zionist is one who takes part in this or supports those who do. There are Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists. There are also Jewish anti-Zionists and Christian anti-Zionists. This book is written with the last mentioned group in mind.

* Has God brought the Jewish people back to Palestine?
* How can both Jews and Christians be God’s chosen people?
* How many covenants are there in the Bible?
* Do all Christian Zionists accept dispensational teaching?
* Does the God of Israel ever change His promises?

These are some of the questions that must be faced in the light of current attacks on Christian Zionism by some evangelical writers. David Pawson believes that Christians need very clear biblical understanding before making political pronouncements about conflict in the Middle East.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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The God and the Gospel of Righteousness

In this book, David Pawson call the church to back the very heart of the good news. For many, the ‘gospel’ is that God loves everybody unconditionally. Yet neither Jesus nor his apostles ever preached like that. They seem to have thought that the world needed to know about his righteousness and even his eagerness, to share that with us. That is because he is determined to have a universe in which there is no unrighteousness whatever. Why don’t we think that is good news?

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Christianity Explained

David Pawson discusses the essential questions of the Christian faith.

Is there a God? Is He a good God? Was the death of Jesus murder or suicide? Where is He now? What does saved mean? How does one become a Christian?
What about the Holy Spirit? Where does the Church fit in? How will it all end?

Gerald Williams, in the foreword, writes, – “We learn the right prayers, pick up some jargon, but we still don’t know whether God is real. Many preachers, intoxicated by theology and yet themselves apparently unsure, fail to teach the simple, basic truths. David Pawson took me with such clarity through all the undergrowth and I soon began to see the light shining ahead.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Leadership is Male

David Pawson writes… “Many will see this book as an anachronism, hopelessly out of date and the dying echo of a controversy that has virtually been settled. So, why stick my neck out with this re-publication of a book that first appeared in 1988? The situation may have changed, both inside and outside the church in the last two decades. But two things have not changed. God’s Word, expressed in Scripture, has not, nor has love for Him, expressed in obedience. We are not called to be credible to contemporary society, but rather, model a counted-culture of a truly healthy, holy and happy society in a world that has lost its bearings.  This is not a treatise on marriage or the ministry of women (though there are implications for both), it is addressed solely to the question of leadership in the redeemed people of God, which I am thus far convinced must be male.”

David Pawson gives, what he calls, two major positive applications, one for women and one for men.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Once Saved Always Saved?

The majority Evangelical view is that once someone has accepted Christ as Saviour, they are guaranteed salvation. But is it safe to assume that once we are saved, we are saved for always?

David Pawson investigates this through biblical evidence, historical figures such as Augustine, Luther and Wesley, and evangelical assumptions about grace and justification, divine sovereignty and human responsibility.

This book helps us decide whether ”once saved, always saved” is real assurance or a misleading assumption. The answer will have profound effects on the way we live and disciple others.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Jesus Baptises in One Holy Spirit

For the most part, the Church has been silent about Jesus’ role as Baptiser in the Spirit, though John declared this to be the principle contribution of His Messianic ministry.

Through exploration of the relevant Scriptures, David Pawson describes eight essential elements in Spirit baptism. He maintains that the sacramental, evangelical and pentecostal streams in Christianity have all failed to do justice to this biblical doctrine. In particular, its dual purpose of purity and power for salvation and service needs to be recovered if we are to become a truly apostolic Church in the 21st Century.  David Pawson writes, “After a century of prominence, first outside the mainline denominations and then inside them, ‘Baptism in the Spirit’, is again falling out of the picture. Before this surprising decline is accepted, urgent questions need to be faced. Are we in danger of losing something vital? The world has yet to see how much power, purity and unity there would be throughout the church if all her streams were declaring as loudly and clearly as John the baptiser, ‘We baptise you in water, but Jesus will baptise you in the Holy Spirit’.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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The Challenge of Islam to Christians

Hodder and Stoughton, the publishers, write, “The Challenge of Islam to Christians” is David Pawson’s most important, and perhaps, his most sobering, prophetic message to date”.  Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth have created a spiritual vacuum in the UK and David Pawson believes Islam will fill it.

David Pawson examines Islam and the Christian faith from an unbeliever’s point of view. He accepts the challenge Islam faces Christians with and analyses the challenge we face them with, in the hope of bringing them back from Mohammed to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Is John 3:16 the Gospel?

There is currently tremendous and growing interest in the impact of the familiar verse John 3 : 16.

This new and radical book exposes misguided teaching, clearing up many common misunderstandings
and providing an extremely helpful and detailed explanation of the verse in its context. The relevance of the surrounding verses is explored, and many fascinating insights equip the reader to understand the true meaning and significance of the passage and its proper application. Difficult and controversial issues are not avoided, and we are shown how powerful this passage is.  A major challenge for today’s Christians.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?

When natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods and earthquakes occur, many people ask the question ‘If God is all-powerful and loving, why does he allow such things to happen?’ David Pawson looks carefully at what the Bible has to say about the significance of such events which can disrupt the lives of millions, bringing destruction, injury and death. As the number and intensity of such disasters increases, this book answers the need for a thoroughly biblical understanding of a major issue.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Living in Hope

David Pawson explains Jesus’ teaching on the Christian hope in Matthew chapters 24 and 25:

– The Signs of His Coming (Matthew 24);

– The Separation at His Coming (Matthew 25).

A clear Bible study on a key Christian theme.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Come with me through Mark

It is an extraordinary story. An unknown young man of thirty abandons his job and launches into a new ‘career’ as travelling preacher and healer. Immensely popular with the general public, he quickly falls foul of the religious leaders of his day and then the political authorities. Just three years later he was dead, executed as a dangerous criminal. End of story? Just the opposite! Three days later, his body had disappeared from his grave. That was only the beginning of the story of which you, the reader, are now part.

Watch David talking about the book here.

Will be relaunched soon as, ‘A Commentary on Mark’s Gospel’

Come with me through Isaiah

The book of Isaiah is the whole Bible in miniature. The first 39 chapters reflect the themes of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the last 27 chapters prefigure the events of the New, from John the Baptist to the new heaven and earth. Yet the prophet lived and died (horribly) centuries before Jesus was born. A miracle in words!
These studies were first given verbally by the author to his congregation. Now in print, readers are invited to ‘come with me through’ these marvelous messages which are as timely as they are timeless.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Not As Bad As The Truth

The publisher writes: ‘David Pawson is one of the Church’s most highly regarded leaders and provocative teachers of the last thirty years. As both pastor and preacher he has developed a reputation for prophetic biblical insight, clarity of expression and uncompromising but living challenge to Christian hearts and minds. Describing himself as an unorthodox evangelical, he has remained faithful to his own vow to be honest with God’s word as revealed in the Bible, no matter what the cost or consequence “‘Not As Bad As The Truth” is David’s typically honest, fresh, lucid account of his life and teaching. It recalls the influences and formative moments of his childhood, upbringing and early ministry, and concludes with a portrait of the less familiar man behind the teaching – David’s travels, hobbies and interests and the joys and challenge of life. But perhaps this book’s greatest legacy will be its summaries of the author’s most urgent and significant theology and his fascinating account of the styles and techniques of preaching.

Watch David talking about the book here.

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Where Is Jesus Now?  And What Is He Doing?

Why is the Ascension such a neglected area of biblical teaching? What exactly happened? How did the disciples react? Why did Jesus go back to heaven? What did he do next? What is he doing now? How does all this connect with our lives today? David Pawson explains why the Ascension of Jesus can still be a source of inspiration to every Christian believer.

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Where Has the Body Been for 2000 Years?

This is an intensely readable look at the the Christian Church down the ages, providing powerful messages for our own times. Many church members know little or nothing about the story of Christianity between the New Testament period and today. They therefore may not realise how much they have been influenced by traditions developed during that time. These can have both a negative and positive benefit. Negative, because ‘those who forget history are condemned to relive it’. Most of the mistakes we make and errors we fall into have happened before and we can learn from our forefathers to avoid them. Positive, because we have such a rich heritage it would be folly to ignore. We can draw inspiration and examples from the spiritual giants who went before us and, after all, we can look forward to meeting them personally in glory.

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Explaining The Resurrection

Each book in the Explaining Series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply. In this book David Pawson teaches what the Bible says about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and how it affects all believers.

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Explaining Water Baptism

Each book in the Explaining Series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply. In this book David Pawson teaches what the Bible says about Water Baptism.

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Explaining The Second Coming

Each book in the Explaining Series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply. In this book David Pawson teaches what the Bible says about The Second Coming of Christ.

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Loose Leaves From My Bible

The author writes: “I prepared these extracts for others, but I was greatly blessed myself. Somehow, as I put God’s word into my words, it became part of me in a fresh way.”

David Pawson has been teaching others the Bible for many years. Often, during this time, when wanting to communicate God’s truth more effectively and to breathe fresh life into familiar scripture verses, he would paraphrase passages of the Bible into colloquial English.

Loose Leaves From My Bible contains a selection of David Pawson’s most popular paraphrases, with notes about their origin.

Passages from Genesis, The Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Habakkuk, Luke and John are included, together with the complete books of Jude and Galatians.

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